Monday, November 19, 2007

New doll

My new favorite Madame Alexander doll. She is Guardian Angel. She has gold stockings and high heel shoes.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Shawl finished

Icelandic Lace Shawl is finished. Now I am working on a pink silk scarf.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Addiction Additions

These are all Madame Alexander vintage dolls. I love "Pinkie" the most, probably because pink is my favorite color. In addition to ebay shopping for dolls I am still working on the edging on the Icelandic Lace Shawl and the stole I just started. I believe it is important to have lots of interests and keep active as we age so I am doing my part.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday Sky

Early this morning there was so much fog that it looked like an English novel with all the descriptions of the fog over the moors. It was rather spooky looking and should have been this way for Halloween. Now the sun is shining and it is a beautiful day. Husband will watch football all day and night so I will knit. I am working on a scarf pattern that I found free from Jane Thornley. It uses lots of texture and sparkle and is great fun to knit. Just collect from stash those yarns that you like together and have at it. The pattern is on her blog and it is beautiful. The top picture is my black and white stash that I am using for this project. You can just see the beginning of the project.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Charley's new hat

Grandaughter Charley loves hats so I made her a new one. It is hard to tell in the picture but there is a ruffle around it and it looks pretty cute. The yarn is Plymouth Dreambaby Kokonut D. K. I am still working on the crocheted edging on the shawl. Crocheting is much harder for me than knitting so it is taking a while. Knitting seems natural but crocheting seems awkward to me.