Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tropicana Roses

I have not been taking very good care of my roses. But this one is beautiful anyway. It starts out orange, then fades to yellow, then soft pink. Gorgeous. I think I will go give it a little tender loving care.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sock Wars

My finished socks for sock wars. The yarn is Tofutsies. I started over 3 times, once when I was on the foot. Finally got them to my satisfaction and will get them in the mail tomorrow. Now I can get back to spinning my Jacob wool and mohair. The weather has been beautiful here in Georgia. We had rain today, which was much needed.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

baby blanket

Blocks finished for baby blanket. Now to put them together and make an edging. The 4 corner blocks are the same off white. The color is off in the picture. The first pink block has a heart knit in but it is upside down in the picture.
I just finished reading When Crickets Cry by Charles Martin. The setting is Georgia and it tells a lot about heart transplants around a fictional story. I will probably read other books by this author.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

climbing roses

We have three of these climbing roses at the front of the house. They are on the white wrought iron on the front porch. This is such a nice time of the year with things blooming. The pink azalea is blooming right in front of the roses. Yes, pink is my favorite color. I want to get some knockout roses but am debating about red or pink. I need some purple annuals and maybe a few yellow so everything won't be pink.
I am knitting a baby blanket with squares. They are easy to make and I can listen to audio books at the same time.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Kite Runner

This is a very powerful book, tragic and informative about another culture. If a book makes you think then it is worth reading and this one certainly makes you think.

I am knitting squares for a baby blanket, have about half of them done.