Our finished storage building. You can't tell from the picture but there are lace curtains in the window. The flower box has fall flowers (silk). Now we need to start moving things out of the basement and into the building.
Carlton and Pete working on the new storage building. This is for all the wheelbarrows and tools that are in the basement. Now I will have plenty of space to store fiber in the basement. Yahoo!!
This apron was fun to make. The flowers are yo-yos from my quilt making days. I still have lots of yo-yos. Maybe I should make a baby quilt for the great grandbaby my oldest grandson will be having in December.
Riley had to have his leg shaved because of an infection so we decided to have a summer cut for him so it would not look so ragged. He has never had a haircut like this before. He looks so funny. It is "who are you and what did you do with my dog?"
The scarf I just finished is Noro Kureyon. Fun to knit with the changing colors. Just hope we have some cold weather some day so it can be worn.
He is feeling bad. On Saturday evening we had to go to the vet. He had an infection on his leg and was gnawing at it. She shaved the leg and treated it and gave him several shots. We treat the leg twice a day and give him antibiotics twice a day. He is getting better. The affected leg is underneath him so it must be better. The cone on his head is a trial for him. He keeps bumping into everything, including us. But he is better.
Have not posted for awhile so I thought it might be a good idea to talk about aging. My birthday was April 15 and I turned 70 years old. Milestone birthday and still a foreign idea that I am that old. My goodness where did the time go? My dad always said that getting old is not for sissies. Even though I did not know what he meant then I sure do now. Chronic back pain keeps me from exercising much and not exercising causes weight gain which makes the back pain worse. Vicious cycle but I just go with the best I can do. Carlton has a back problem too and an abdominal aneurysm that has to be watched for size. You get different worries at this age than when you are younger. It is difficult to keep the house clean. What I used to do in one day now takes all week. I figure one clean room at a time will have to do. Cooking is difficult because of standing so long so I do small things all day rather than the whole meal at once. I never have been one to take a nap but now it is necessary. But there are good things too. We are blessed that we do not have to work, don't have to get up early, can just keep our own schedule. Our dog Riley keeps us entertained and the house dirty (LOL). Children and grandchildren help keep us young too.
This is what was in my box from the tin swap. The wonderful old tin is from an antique shop. The yarn is 2 skeins of Alpaca Soft. There is chocolate, lavendar soap, and a small notepad that is just right for my purse. Thanks Amanda.
I was looking through the 2006 pattern a day calendar and found a felted bowl pattern by Susan Wolcott. I had to have a bowl. The yarn is some that I spun on my Kromski. The yellow did not felt well. I do not remember the fiber but it also may be because of the ladder yarn I carried along. The red trim on top and the bottom of the bowl is shetland, which did felt very well. It makes a good place to store yarn I have spun.
The fabric is white on white. The green trim around the neck, pockets and hem is vintage. I found it in an antique shop in Adairsville, Ga. where my mother grew up. The pattern is Butterick 4087. It is great to have a nice new apron to wear every month.
This is Shetland wool from Spunky Eclectic. November 2008 club color Raisin Wannabe. I thought this was pretty bright but found that I love it when it is spun. Looks like socks to me.
Papillon Cardigan from Inspired to Knit by Michele Rose Orne. This sweater has lots of details.
Lace around the bottom then a little ribbing and eyelet to run the tie through. It is a low v neck with short sleeves. The front will be trimmed in black in my version. Lovely sweater.
as it flows into Rome. Cherokee Major John Ridge had a ferry and a home along here. He fought with Andrew Jackson at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in Alabama during the War of 1812. His home still stands and is open for tours. Now there is a walkway along this river that many people enjoy every day.
It is surely spring here in Georgia. But it is supposed to be cold next week. But probably not cold enough to hurt anything. My son says it is beautiful in Raleigh too.
When DH went to get the morning paper he saw this visitor on the mailbox. He had to go back after daylight with the camera to get the picture. The frog was still waiting for the mailman.
Just finished spinning this yarn. It is called Lame Duck Mallard from Spunky Eclectic. It is superwash BFL. I spun it thicker so it is 202 yards, enough for a hat or neck warmer or mittens. Saw my ophthalmologist today and no new changes to vision so that is great.
These patterns come from a time when they were 35cents. Well that was a while ago. My friend Paula sent these patterns to me. I especially like the one on the lower right. It is cold and raining here today. Snow was forecast but we did not get any. It is pretty rare to get snow here in north Georgia, even though we are in the foothills of the Appalachians.
I am spinning alpaca that I bought at SAFF. It is black and very light grey and is lovely stuff. Riley is where he always is when I am spinning. It is fairly cold outside but the sun is shining and it is a good day to spin.
Carlton said he wanted an apron too. He does a lot of cooking so I made this for him. The square on front has his name machine embroidered on it. The red fabric around the name is a print of pine cones.
January apron is a bright fabric that I needed to use in this dark, wet depressing weather. Made me feel better. The apron has a narrow row of eyelet around the skirt but no other embellishment. I used McCall's 5551.
We are having flooding around this area. It is too bad some of this rain can't wait until summer when we are in a drought.