Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Springtime in Georgia. The temp is 77 degrees. Beautiful day. We are beginning to get the pine tree pollen which will soon have everything yellow.

I am knitting the first sleeve to my Dale Ingeborg, a pair of socks, a baby blanket for Charlie Grace and several other things. Disorder seems to be my middle name.

We had a meeting of our knitting group on Saturday. It was fun and always great to have lunch at Panera. Reba, Paula, Jillian, Micah and I were there. Reba and I went to Michael's and I bought some cotton for a doily, which will be a new knitting experience for me, and some Paton's Grace for a lace sweater for Charlie Grace. I wanted pink but they did not have any so I bought a beautiful light blue.

1 comment:

Paula said...

It is warm across the state line, too. If it is that hot here, I had better pack shorts for Savannah and Jekyll!